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National Nutrition Month: Natural ways to support a happy, healthy gut

herbal organic medicine product. natural herb essential from nature.

By Dr. Stan Headley, natural health consultant for Cypress Pharmacy

While many of us like to think we have “stomachs of steel” and can eat as we please, our gut usually says otherwise.

Today, between 60 to 70 million Americans suffer from various digestive diseases – irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn’s disease and cancer, to name a few.

Overlooking unhealthy habits as simple as overeating or not chewing food properly can slowly chip away at our digestive ability over time until it’s too late, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms that can keep us from enjoying the most out of our daily lives.

Fortunately, steps can be taken to spot poor digestive function and reverse it by making necessary lifestyle changes and adding targeted nutritional supplements.

What is Gut Health?

Let’s begin by breaking down the popular term known as “gut health.”

It often refers to the physical state, function and balance of bacteria throughout our gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which includes the vital organs we need to digest food, absorb nutrients and process waste.

As an important part of the digestive system, the GI tract works to break down food into nutrients that can be used for energy, growth and repair within the body.

Why is a Healthy Gut Important?

A healthy gut plays critical roles in our overall wellness and contributes to everything from effective digestion to brain health and getting a good night’s sleep.

It can also affect how our immune system functions.

Research shows that 70% of our immune system is housed in our GI tract and that many chronic conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, may be directly linked to poor digestion.

Everything we consume can help or hurt our overall health, and influence how we feel. It’s important to note the gut-brain connection that exists inside our body.

Most people don’t realize we have more serotonin receptors in the gut than in the brain, which further speaks to the importance of maintaining a healthy digestive tract function. The serotonin receptors in the gut and brain help to keep our moods stable while improving digestion.

Scientists have found that about 60% of patients with some type of depression or anxiety have intestinal disturbances of some form, including leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, bloating or GERD.

Supporting a Happy, Healthy Gut

When it comes to how best to manage digestive disorders and their accompanying symptoms, you have many options. A wide selection of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements have been found to be very effective at supporting the digestive system without side effects commonly seen with prescription drugs.

Beneficial “good” bacteria from probiotic pharmaceutical-grade supplements – using the proper intestinal strains and therapeutic amounts of acidophilus, Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus – can help the body absorb all of the nutrients in food and supplements.

A few other well-researched supplement recommendations include:

  • Digestive enzymes – this supplement combines protease, lipase and amylase, which break down protein, fats and carbohydrates into fine particles, so the body can absorb what it needs.
  • Ginger – this well-known herb has many properties for healing but can be very helpful for improved digestion. It can also reduce inflammation.
  • Zinc – this trace mineral is vital for the health of the entire GI system.
  • Glutamine – this is an amino acid that is one of the most essential nutrients for the digestive tract. It has been found to help with ulcers, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, and all forms of intestinal repair.
  • A comprehensive blend of probiotics, digestive enzymes, amino acids, and a mucosal barrier for optimal digestive health.

By making necessary lifestyle changes and adding targeted nutritional supplements, your digestive system can respond by decreasing or eliminating symptoms and improving your overall health. Be sure to discuss your lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements with a qualified health care professional, doctor or pharmacist, especially if you take prescription medications.

IBS Diet Tips


Many individuals suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and have a difficult time figuring out what meals to make to avoid triggering their disorder and treatments to help manage it. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is a disorder that affects the large intestine. It’s a chronic, functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Don’t cover up your IBS with band-aid remedies. Instead, look for long-term solutions for your discomfort. Start at the source, the bacteria in your gut. Just like everything in life, your gut requires balance.  In your gut, there’s a balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. To improve gut health, supplements like probiotics are recommended. Probiotics, like Cypress Pharmacy’s Priobiotic Daily Support, are oral supplements of live, beneficial intestinal microorganisms for nutritional health and well-being. Bacteria colonize your gut, and if harmful microorganisms proliferate, the equilibrium is disturbed, and it becomes difficult for your natural bacteria to maintain territory over the space in your intestine. When you begin to take daily probiotics, you increase your chances of establishing and maintaining a healthy population of beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Once established, microflora creates acidic conditions that are unfavorable for the settlement of pathogenic microorganisms.

With the proper diet and exercise, you can often keep your IBS at bay without medication. It may seem like there aren’t a lot of meal options, but simply substituting what you already eat will create a considerable change in your digestion. Some who face this disorder follow the FODMAS diet. FODMAS means “fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols,” meaning undigested carbohydrates that, when metabolized, produce excess gas, leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation.

Common foods to avoid or swap out:

  • Lactose, found in milk and soft dairy products. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, ice cream, and sour cream. Instead, try lactose-free milk, dairy-free ice cream, oat milk, rice milk or soy milk, lactose-free yogurt, and hard cheese like brie and camembert.
  • Olive oil instead of butter
  • Fruits containing high sugar fructose—examples: apples, pears, fruit juice, dried fruit, concentrated fruit. Try to avoid these. Fruits with low levels of sugar fructose that you can try include bananas, boysenberries, strawberries, cranberries, oranges, lemons, limes, kiwis, grapes, and cantaloupe.
  • It’s important to eat your greens, but you may want to avoid cruciferous vegetables if you suffer from IBS. Some vegetables can cause gas, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, coleslaw, and sauerkraut.
  • Food’s high in fat should be avoided since consuming greasy food will trigger the colon. As the food makes its way through the gut, the colon contracts, trapping gas and fecal matter, causing discomfort and bloating.
  • Try going gluten-free if you can.  Gluten and wheat can be difficult to process.
  •  As delicious as chocolate is, it can cause painful IBS triggers, so it’s best to avoid this candy, especially milk chocolate, as dairy is also triggering.
  • Red meat is another IBS trigger. Due to its low water content and lack of fiber, red meats trigger contractions and spasms in the colon. Processed meats also contain additives and nitrates that irritate a sensitive gut. Meats like steak, ground beef, ham, roast beef, bacon, hot dogs are triggers for IBS symptoms like gas, bloating, nausea and constipation. Instead, try fish or poultry. It’s leaner and better tolerated.
  • This next one’s probably a no-brainer; coffee. If you suffer from IBS, stay away from coffee. Caffeine acts as a natural laxative, whether that be the intent or not. If you have IBS and drink coffee, it may trigger symptoms like diarrhea.
  • Coffee isn’t the only beverage to steer clear of. Watch out for carbonated drinks like soda as they often cause gas and bloating. Even tea can trigger your IBS!
  • As much fun as happy hour is, take caution when it comes to alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcohol can cause bowel movements to begin quicker than desired, and if it’s a soda-based cocktail, the carbonation can cause added symptoms. When it comes to beer, be careful, as gluten can also trigger any symptoms. Some better alternatives for happy hour or ladies’ night would be distilled alcohol like vodka, gin, whiskey, or scotch, as they would be less likely to trigger symptoms.

When symptoms become severe, please see your doctor. Look out for these symptoms:

Weight loss, diarrhea at night, rectal bleeding, iron deficiency anemia, unexplained vomiting, difficulty swallowing, and constant pain that isn’t relieved by passing gas or bowel movement.

Is Leaky Gut Impacting Your Health?

leaky gut

Leaky gut is a rapidly growing condition that millions of Americans are struggling with, and most times, they don’t even know it. You might think, as most people do, that a leaky gut only affects the digestive system, but in reality, it can lead to many other health conditions. Practitioners of functional medicine have been actively diagnosing and treating leaky gut with natural, non-invasive therapies successfully for years. Mainstream conventional medicine, on the other hand, has not embraced leaky gut syndrome as an actual medical condition or diagnosis up until now. According to the research, leaky gut could be the underlying cause of your food allergies, low energy, joint pain, thyroid imbalances, autoimmune conditions, and slow metabolism, just to name a few.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

To best explain the condition called leaky gut syndrome, think of the lining of the digestive tract like a net with tiny holes in it that allow specific substances to pass through. The lining in your gut works like a wall, keeping out larger-sized particles that can damage your digestive tract. When someone suffers from leaky gut (also referred to as increased intestinal permeability), the “net” in your digestive tract gets damaged, which results in micro-tears that grow and allow substances to easily pass through. This includes things like gluten, harmful bacteria, and undigested food particles. Toxic waste can also leak from the inside of your intestinal wall into your bloodstream, causing an immune reaction.

Symptoms To Watch For:

When you suspect you may have leaky gut syndrome after other more routine conditions have been ruled out, the inflammation throughout your system can cause symptoms such as: bloating, food sensitivities or intolerance, thyroid conditions, fatigue, joint pain, headaches, skin issues like rosacea and acne, digestive problems, weight gain or weight loss, and even metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a prevalent condition that encompasses a cluster of different symptoms, including elevated blood pressure, increased cholesterol, increased waist circumference (more than 38” in men or 35” in women), obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

One of the warning signs that you may have a leaky gut is experiencing multiple food sensitivities. Partially digested protein and fat can seep through your intestinal lining, making their way into your bloodstream, which may cause an allergic response. If this leakage is left untreated, it can manifest into other severe health issues like inflammatory bowel disease (chron’s or ulcerative colitis), irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, migraine headaches, muscle pain, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Another real problem with leaky gut syndrome is that it can lead to malabsorption of vital nutrients, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

As more studies are coming out regarding the triggers for leaky gut syndrome, it has been shown that there are four primary factors which can cause or manifest into a diagnosis:

  1. poor diet
  2. chronic stress
  3. toxin overload of kidneys and liver
  4. bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract

The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are wheat, gluten, dairy, sugars, and GMO (genetically modified) foods.

Other Related Factors

When we dig deeper into potential causes which lead to leaky gut in some people and not others, we must also consider each of these three things:

  1. chronic stress – chronic stress weakens your immune system over time, which impacts your ability to fight off foreign proteins or substances like harmful bacteria and viruses, leading to inflammation and leaky gut
  2. toxins– we are in contact with chemicals and toxins everywhere but probably the most persistent offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, unfiltered tap water, aspirin, and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil)
  3. dysbiosis – an imbalance between beneficial and harmful species of bacteria in your gut

Is There A Diet To Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The initial plan when approaching leaky gut is to remove foods that damage the gut. Then, replace the bad foods with healing foods, add some targeted nutritional supplements, and finally rebalance the gastrointestinal tract with probiotics. While there is no one-size-fits-all diet plan to address leaky gut syndrome, experience from functional medicine practitioners indicates that there are some healing foods that should be included along with a common-sense approach to healthy eating. This includes bone broth and raw cultured dairy (contains both probiotics and short-chain-fatty acids that can heal the gut), including kefir, yogurt, and raw cheese. Others on the food list include fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi, coconut products, and sprouted seeds like chia, flax, and hemp seeds.

Nutritional Supplements For Healing Leaky Gut

Knowing which nutritional supplements that can support your digestive health can be a challenging task to the average consumer. Working with a healthcare professional knowledgeable in supplements and the condition itself, can be very beneficial and time and money well-spent. Again, because there are no established protocols for what might get the job done for everyone with this condition, it is best to start with a modest protocol of nutrients that we know improve gastrointestinal function. The following are nutritional supplements that have proven through the years to balance the gut and improve digestive function. The shortlist includes the following key supplements from which to build upon:

  1. Gut Restorative PRP – this supplement is comprised of bovine colostrum for supporting a healthy immune system. Supplementing with bovine colostrum has been shown to bolster the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and fight inflammation by regulating the cytokine response.
  2. Probiotics these are known to replenish good bacteria and crowd out the bad bacteria. However, in leaky gut syndrome, the administration of probiotics when the gut is still permeable may create additional problems as the probiotics permeate through the gut wall,  and may cause an allergic response. Extensive probiotic supplementation should be withheld until the leaky gut has healed (about 4-6 weeks).
  3. Digestive Enzymesthese can be either gluten digestive enzymes or regular digestive enzymes used before meals to ensure foods like protein, carbohydrates, and fats are broken down into fine particles for better absorption to maximize the full nutrient value without post-meal side effects like bloating, gas, abdominal pain or heartburn.
  4. L-Glutaminethis is an essential amino acid that has anti-inflammatory properties and is necessary for the growth and development of the intestinal lining. It also coats your cell walls as a protector.
  5. Quercetin – this ingredient improves gut barrier function by sealing the gut and supporting the creation of tight junctions. It also highly stabilizes mast cells and decreases the release of histamine, which is common in food intolerance.
  6. Turmeric – the ancient Indian spice (curry) has many healing properties, including decreasing inflammation, improving micro-circulation in the gut, removing toxins, and supporting healthy digestive function. No leaky gut protocol should be without this vital herb.
  7. Pyloricil – this is the active ingredient extracted from pistachio nuts that have excellent healing properties for the entire gastrointestinal tract. This product is endorsed by some of the top thought leaders in functional medicine and has many applications for leaky gut syndrome and its associated symptoms.
  8. CBD oil – this is included in recommended essential products for leaky gut provided it is a high quality third-party validated pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil. Hemp-derived CBD has shown it can modulate the healing process in the digestive tract, calm the nervous system, and reduce inflammation (all part of the symptom cascade seen in leaky gut). Either soft gels or sublingual liquid tinctures can be very effective at reducing symptoms triggered by leaky gut syndrome.

A Path Towards A Healthier Gut

Functional medicine practitioners have worked on gut healing as an initial step to treating chronic diseases for decades. Naturopaths are trained that 70 percent of all inflammation in the body begins in the gut. A typical initial step is to remove foods that can be inflammatory like nightshades (tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant) and decrease alcohol, processed foods, and excess sugar. Controversy still exists on whether leaky gut causes the development of diseases outside the GI tract in humans. The key is to help rebuild the gut lining, bring more balance to the gut flora, and provide a protective barrier to avoid the leaky gut phenomena in the first place. By implementing these lifestyle changes, especially in your diet, you will not only feel better, but, in some cases, you may ward off a diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome in the future.

Natural Solutions for GERD



Acid reflux happens when contents from your stomach move up into your esophagus. It’s also called acid regurgitation or gastroesophageal reflux. If you have symptoms of acid reflux more than twice a week, you might have a condition called GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. According to the latest research data, it appears that about 20 percent of the U.S. population suffers from GERD. Now, more than ever, it is vital to know if you have this condition and work to improve healthy digestion. Knowing that 70 percent of your immune cells reside in the digestive tract, it is vitally important to maintain a healthy microbiome with healthy gut bacteria. It is also important to note the gut-brain connection that exists, which has been well-documented in Dr. David Perlmutter M.D.’s New York Times best- selling book entitled “ Grain Brain.” The serotonin receptors in the gut and brain help to keep your moods stable while improving digestive function. While there are many over-the-counter and prescription medications for acid reflux and GERD, there are also natural solutions, including lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements.


Acid reflux can cause an uncomfortable burning feeling in your chest, which can radiate up towards your neck. In fact, many people end up going to the nearest emergency room as they feel like they are having a heart attack. This is typically what heartburn feels like. You may also develop a sour or bitter taste in your mouth. There may be occasional regurgitation of food or liquid from your stomach into your mouth. In some cases, GERD can cause difficulty swallowing. It can sometimes lead to breathing problems, like a chronic dry cough or asthma.


The lower esophageal sphincter or (LES) is a circular band of muscle at the end of your esophagus. When it is working correctly, it relaxes and opens when you swallow. Then it tightens and closes again afterward. Acid reflux happens when your lower esophageal sphincter does not tighten or close properly. This allows digestive juices and other stomach contents to rise up into your esophagus. Other factors that can cause or contribute to GERD include high stress, poor sleep, leaky gut or dysbiosis, junk food diet, and prescription medications, to name a few.


If your doctor suspects you may be suffering from GERD, he or she may refer you to a specialist called a gastroenterologist for further examination. The specialist may order tests to confirm a diagnosis for you. These include barium swallow, upper endoscopy or EGD, esophageal manometry, and esophageal pH monitoring.


For most standard medical care, the total focus has been on the overproduction of stomach acid as the primary problem and treatment with acid-blocking drugs as the primary intervention. Acid and the enzymes it activates in gastric secretions can irritate the lining of the stomach and lower esophagus, causing pain and other symptoms of GERD. Still, in very rare circumstances, the overproduction of acid is to blame. Adequate acid in the stomach facilitates the digestion of protein and absorption of key vitamins like B12, calcium, magnesium, and iron. It is also an important defense against infections. Trying to manage GERD solely by blocking acid production in the stomach without attending to the many other factors involved is not a wise strategy, especially in the long run. Acid blocking drugs are now some of the most widely sold medications in the U.S. These are the drugs that block histamine receptors, including Tagamet, Zantac (recently withdrawn from the market by the FDA), and Pepcid. These medications mostly affect meal-induced acid production but work poorly in between meals. Also, the proton pump inhibitors or PPIs are the most potent acid-blocking drugs available. Omeprazole ( Prilosec) was the first in this class, dating back to 1989. Think of all the television ads for “the purple pill” Nexium.  PPIs are superior to the histamine blockers in healing gastric ulcers and intestinal ulcers and in the treatment of H. pylori (the bacteria that cause upper gastrointestinal problems). These drugs were initially developed to be used for 90 days of short term treatment. As you know, many people take these medications daily for years, with no regard for their long-term risks. Long-term use of these medications can inhibit normal, beneficial organisms, while encouraging the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.


Evaluating dietary habits, stress levels, and other aspects of a person’s life known to affect GI function is the first place to start. Examining and changing dietary habits should be one of the first considerations when attempting to manage GERD naturally. Interestingly enough, waist size has a direct correlation to the risk of developing reflux esophagitis and other more severe conditions. Weight loss can significantly help with these symptoms and prevent long-term complications. Dietary strategies like consuming frequent small meals, avoiding high-fat meals, and limiting spicy and acidic foods can make a difference. An upright position should be maintained for at least three hours after eating to allow food to digest and empty from the stomach. Elevating the head of the bed at night and sleeping on the left side have been shown to benefit individuals with nighttime reflux symptoms. Other lifestyle measures to consider include smoking cessation, avoiding or limiting NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen) as they irritate the lining of the stomach and increase risks of bleeding. Controlling stress with meditation, exercise, deep breathing exercises, and herbal remedies can prove to be very effective.


Many herbal and natural remedies have shown the ability to promote gastric motility and reduce symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and GI upset, including Ginger, L- Glutamine, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Zinc, and Pyloricil. They have also shown to be helpful in individuals diagnosed with GERD. Other natural therapies that can be effective include such things as aloe vera juice, DGL licorice, fenugreek, and slippery elm, to name a few.

Knowing when drugs are necessary, when natural alternatives are better, and when to let your body heal on its own is vital to optimal health.

Natural Ways to Improve Digestion


If we have learned anything about good health over the past 50 years, it is that optimal health begins in the gut. It is projected that 70 percent of your immune system cells reside in the digestive tract and that many chronic conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, may be directly linked to poor digestion.

Lifestyle factors can play a significant role in how healthy or unhealthy your gastrointestinal tract is. Such things as stress eating, too many processed foods, fried foods, and excess sugar all contribute to an imbalance of good and bad gut bacteria, which ultimately leads to digestive disorders and eventually disease.

You can take nutritional supplements, exercise, eat well, and get adequate rest, but without optimal digestion, you cannot be healthy. The digestive system is not like a mailbox where the food dropped in automatically reaches its destination. It has to be well-nourished and free of the assaults of an unhealthy diet. It must produce a series of well-coordinated secretions. And very importantly, it requires the right balance of bacteria. Only then will it be able to absorb the nutrients you need to achieve optimal health.

It is easy to weaken the digestive system. Americans have proven this. The statistics don’t lie, gastrointestinal symptoms and disorders continue to be one of the leading reasons why people go to see a family doctor or gastroenterologist. If you have been insulting your digestive tract with overeating, inadequate chewing of food, alcohol, coffee, smoking, sugar, white flour, a lack of fiber, antibiotics, or eating under stress, you may have already significantly weakened your digestive ability. Many people think they have a “cast-iron stomach” and eat as they please. The stomach and the rest of the GI tract do not respond well to repeated insults. Many ailments can be caused or worsened by poor digestive function: these can include diverticulosis, osteoporosis, poor immune function with frequent infections, asthma, ulcers, heart disease, arthritis, and food allergies, to name a few. Today there are physicians and other natural health professionals who are educated in lifestyle or functional medicine and fully understand and appreciate that optimal health begins in the digestive tract.

Food goes through many steps before you digest and absorb it:

  1. You chew it adequately.
  2. Your digestive system secretes the right substances in the right amounts (stomach acid, buffers, enzymes from your pancreas, bile from your liver/gallbladder).
  3. The wall of your small intestine facilitates the absorption of nutrients while keeping out pathogens.
  4. The liver and GI intestinal lining transfer and metabolize nutrients so your body can use them.


Being constipated means your bowel movements are difficult or happen less often than usual. Almost everyone goes through it at some point. However, constipation can have causes that are not due to underlying disease. Examples include dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, physical inactivity, or prescription medication side effects. There is an increased incidence of constipation in aging adults who have poor gastrointestinal peristalsis movement, which can increase the risk for bowel obstruction or other serious complications. Constipation can be easily solved in most cases by avoiding refined white flours and increasing whole grain, vegetables, fruits, nut, and seed consumption. Do not use laxatives regularly. Overuse causes the bowel to get accustomed to it, and this can cause long term issues as the bowel will become weaker and create dependency. Increasing fiber in the diet, drinking more water, consuming flax oil, increasing magnesium intake, exercising, and checking for low thyroid function are the best ways to solve and prevent this problem.


You have one hundred trillion bacteria in your GI tract, more than the number of cells in your body. The kind of bacteria you house plays a large part in determining how healthy you are. Friendly bacteria keep the immune system strong and the digestive system functioning smoothly. The wrong bacteria or bad bacteria set the stage for disease. Friendly bacteria are always in the minority in the GI tract, but enough of them will keep the less beneficial forms that are still present from causing problems. Beneficial good bacteria from high-quality pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements with the proper intestinal strains and in therapeutic amounts of acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, and lactobacillus can help the body absorb all of the nutrients in food and supplements, help eliminate overgrowth of the small bowel or candida yeast or fungal forms, decrease cancer risk, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, reduce constipation, gas and bloating, relieve skin problems and allergies, and even help prevent travelers diarrhea.


Antibiotics are considered to be overprescribed in standard medical practice across the country. Antibiotics are very effective when you have an acute bacterial infection, but totally ineffective when you have a virus or viral syndrome. Antibiotics upset the population of the bacteria in the GI tract. They also thin the wall or lining of the intestinal tract, which can result in decreased integrity and function of the small intestine. Always combine antibiotic therapy with a high-quality pharmaceutical grade probiotic formulation to keep the ideal balance of good bacteria in the gut.


By making necessary lifestyle changes and adding in targeted nutritional supplements, the digestive system will respond by decreasing or eliminating symptoms and improving your health. A wide selection of vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements are needed for a healthy GI tract. Interestingly enough, many of the cells of the digestive tract live only seven days! They need many of the right nutrients at the right time to reproduce quickly and without an error in cell reproduction that can lead to serious diseases like cancer, for example. Besides probiotics, other highly touted supplements have proven to be very effective at healing the digestive system without side effects commonly seen with prescription drugs.

Here are a few you may want to consider trying:

  1. Digestive enzymes – this supplement combines protease, lipase, and amylase, which break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates into fine particles, so the body can absorb what it needs.
  2. Ginger – this well- known herb has many properties for healing but can be very helpful for improved digestion. It can also reduce inflammation.
  3. Zinc – this trace mineral is vital for the health of the entire GI system. It is needed by ulcer sufferers, especially those who have been taking histamine blocking agents like Zantac, Pepcid, or Tagamet. These meds reduce stomach acid levels, which in turn limits zinc absorption. Without zinc, ulcers cannot generally heal.
  4. Glutamine – this is an amino acid that is one of the most essential nutrients for healing the digestive tract. It has been proven to help with ulcers, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases like chron’s and ulcerative colitis, and all forms of intestinal repair.
  5. Pyloricil – The key ingredient in this product is called mastica or mastic gum,  derived from a pistachio nut. This ingredient has been highly endorsed by Dr. Leo Galland M.D., a well-known leader in holistic medicine and best selling author of the book “ The 4 Pillars of Healing”. This product has proven to help support those diagnosed with GERD, IBS, and peptic ulcers.
  6. Gut Restorative PRP – this unique formulation includes bovine colostrum with immunoglobulins, proline-rich polypeptides, and lactoferrin, which together help to rebuild the digestive tract for optimal absorption of nutrients.

When it comes to how best to manage digestive disorders and their associated symptoms, you have many therapeutic choices. Sometimes, standard medications are best, but, many times, changes in behavior and taking supplements can be equally effective in improving digestion for optimal health without the long-term side effects.